Self Love
"Self love is the greatest love of your life"
Self love is the choice you make everyday to put yourself, your needs, your health, your dreams and your life first. Self love is the first thing I to think of each morning when you wake and it is the last thing to think of before you sleep at night. You can only discover your true sense of purpose when you first listen to what it is that your heart truly desires from ones self.
We as a society tend to think that the act of selflessness is a great attribute to hold. I have learnt that I truly could not and have not loved another from a pure heart space until I loved myself first. Anything that you choose to do i your life that brings you more health and vitality will tell your body, mind and soul that you love you. This loving yourself is how all life transformations begin, grow and are then shared with others. I feel that the amount of love I show myself every day is proportional to the joy I have in my life, the success I have, and what I bring into another's life.
There are many things you can do to show yourself self love, and one of greatest is gratitude. Try being grateful for all in your life that brings you joy, health and vitality. I next would slowly look at all the things in life that do not serve to bring you joy, health and vitality and replace these with things that do. Everyday you walk through life is another moment to symbolise to yourself more love & worth. I found no greater start to this self love Roar journey than raw living foods.
Here is why eating raw living foods are a great act of self love:
When you eat raw living foods it feels good, it is good for your body, you feel amazing after the act of eating it and you feel grateful to have such a gift of raw living foods in your life.
This whole cycle of love only build love and this is also how my world reflects back to me now.Most acts of self love follow this same pattern and build a great love inside you and with this a great gratitude that brings you a wealth of happiness & love.
Some other acts of self love are s follows:
raw living food diet
sun worshipping
positive affirmations
self care
spending time in nature
time with loved ones
natural healing practices
There are many different forms of self love and I could not access any of them until I started the raw living foods diet. Of course all the above modalities were there and I tried them to no avale. It seemed my negative self talk was so over baring and this negative self talk did not lift until I committed to a diet which promoted only health and vitality. Remember if you eat health and vitality then you feel health and vitality.The entire Roar website is built out of self love, and holds all the keys I needed to have a life full of love, joy, happiness, health, success and gratitude. You can choose to undertake any act of self love you like.
Always remember that to be self love the act must feel good for you while choosing it, practising it and after taking part in the act as it benefits you on all levels. Once you start to incorporate more and more self love into your life you will see relationships change, world views change, deeper love for all living things and most of all you will feel a love and connectedness to yourself that will bring you a joy you never new possible.
Life is self love and the gifts this love will give you is what we call life.