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Tamara Windsor

Success Stories

Wanda Daramola


Coaching with Skye was a really good experience for me. I did the seven week course which was great and I started to feel a lot better around four weeks. Her support was next level. It was so helpful to have someone who understands the misery and the battle of long term poor health and she encourage me to think that things could be different. Her recipes and raw food were truly amazing and delicious. I learnt so much about mastering the raw food lifestyle and making it work for me. I can not recommend Skye highly enough.

Leanne Hill


My name is Leanne Hill and Skye coached me through the first 12 weeks of my raw vegan healing journey.

Skye was quite literally a gift from above to me, I was a complicated and serious case medically with a “chef diagnoses” of a genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS)

I also carried a lot of emotional trauma because of a life time of genetic and chronic illness.

Through the whole of my coaching experience Skye showed me so much understanding, confidence, empathy, care, wisdom, openess, honesty, and an ability that is crucial in effectively communicating with me, which is an ability to show love, and understanding, and call me out when needed, all at the same time!!

Skye taught me to see myself well,

to know, love and care for myself, and to have confidence and trust in my self, and my body.

I continue to learn and practice all of those things in increasing measure because of her!

Through coaching I found the raw vegan diet for myself and my unique needs that has enabled my body to heal from so much, and I continue to heal!!

When Skye started coaching me I had been through so much including massive life saving surgeries, one of which includes a solid spinal fusion from my skull to T10.

I was still very sick though with a growing number of chronic diagnoses and I had to spend the majority of my life resting.

I was in chronic pain, was on a number of medications, and could not so much as chop a cucumber for myself!

3 months into my raw vegan journey I was up standing for hours every day making all the food for my family (which was my biggest dream at that point!)

By that time I was also symptom free of a number of the chronic conditions I was diagnosed with, including Gastropresis, Ulcerative colitis, POTS, and I also was off all medications!!

Now almost 17 months on I remain free of those conditions and I remain completely medication free too!!

I have healed from so many EDS symptoms also and though I have come up against physical challenges acasionally due to the spinal fusion and a few now dwindling EDS symptoms, I typically feel amazing, live a very full and wonderful life and I get to be a healthy wife and mum at last!!

Skye is an excellent Raw Food Coach, because she is caring, patient and always willing to help you where you are at. She is also a very intuitive and honest at the same time. She has the ability to come up with simple recipes that get down to the basics and are simple and easy to put together. I am very thankful that Skye took the time to show me how I can make the simplest of recipes while displaying her masterful creative meals that she so generously shares for free on her website. I'm forever grateful to Skye for taking the time to help me to put together savoury salads and soups. If you want to learn how to make simple and delicious recipes to the fanciest of dishes and receive love and encouragement from someone who really cares for people, I encourage you to work with Skye. She truly is a joy to work with and I'm so thankful that she blessed me with her time and talents

Lorinda Moyer


Words cannot express how grateful I am for Skye’s support. She has truly changed my life. As I was dedicated to eating raw, but was having a difficult time fully transitioning, Skye provided the support and encouragement to get me where I wanted to be in my journey. The weekly 1:1 sessions, coupled by the weekly group sessions, were instrumental for my progress. Skye speaks to you in a way where you feel like you talking to a friend. There is never any judgement, only reminders of the work you are putting into yourself. In addition to focusing on what you eat, she also supports your mental health and discusses what you are putting on your skin and cleaning your home with. The program is an absolute well-rounded program of how to set you up for success, all while she shares her own journey and challenges. I know there are other coaches out there, as Skye is not the first one I have worked with. However, she goes way beyond what other coaches provide. I promise, you will not be let down by joining this program!

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