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Writer's pictureSkye Conway

6 Weeks to Health with a Raw Vegan Diet after 32 years of illness

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Recently a photo popped up on my phone which was from this time last year (2021). After looking at this photo it came to me that in just 6 weeks ALL my health problems had disappeared. This means that in 2021 when I had only been eating raw foods for 6 weeks I was out of bed and starting to create my new life with no disease.

My life changed dramatically in the first 6 weeks of eating a raw vegan diet. I have included below a photo of myself at the start ( photo on the left) of my raw foods journey and a photo 6 weeks later ( photo on the right ). I felt like a new person very quickly eating only raw vegan foods.

First lets start with what I mean by "Health Transformation"; chronic fatigue was gone, glands swelling gone, depression gone, PTSD almost completely gone, reflux gone, hormone meds and stomach meds gone, pain meds gone, tachycardia gone, POTS, bladder and kidney issues gone, low B12 and Iron gone ( so no more infusions & injections), my blood started to make proteins again, liver inflammation gone, low blood pressure gone, digestive issues gone, my hair had fallen out over the past 3 years and was growing again, I was smiling, seeing friends again, laughing and the list goes on for what changed very quickly for me. NOTE: I had my blood work done at this time last year and the only thing still showing was a slight inflammation in my liver still and the doctor said it was nothing compared to how it was at the start of 2021.

When I found raw foods I was very unaware of what a Raw Vegan diet was when I stumbled onto it by accident after being vegan for the previous 2 years. In 2021 my health was getting worse and worse again and in June 2021 I started to notice I was able to function out of bed for longer periods after eating fruit or salad. If I ate even pumpkin dry roasted or cauliflower steamed I would be in bed for days with Chronic Fatigue (which I had had since I was approx. 8).

When I noticed this energy shift I asked myself "Skye what are you willing to do for your health?" and after ALL I have in endured in my life the answer came to me very easily-" Anything!".

From that moment on at the start of July 2021 I committed myself to all that felt good for my body. I kept only things in my life that felt good and at this point is was raw foods, sunlight, ocean water dunks in the in Winter, peppermint oil in a small vaporiser in my bedroom and lounge room, cold showers and time spent on my own relaxing in nature that made me feel good.

All this was just the start of wonders the universe was about to reveal to me, as nature holds many healing modalities and i have found so many in this past year. Yet those modalities I just mentioned above were the tools I used to get incredibly well in just 6 weeks.

You are probably wondering what I ate at the time of my healing, as what I ate made the hugest transformation to my life.

At the time I was eating fruits most of the day with some nuts, seeds, carrots & celery.At night was huge salads. These salads included greens, fruits, nut butters, root vegetables, nuts & seeds, sea vegetables, dried turmeric, dried paprika, and herbs. I have included below some of the Nature Magic Salads I was eating so you can see how simple it can be to gain true health.

1 year on from this first transformation I am so healthy it is incredible, and I truly Roar in life now and it is all due to nature. If you want to know more please check out the Roar website or contact me here.

If your not living your best life you should think about Roaring through your life with Raw Foods! #rawvegantransformation

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